Understanding Your MOON In Astrology & The Most POWERFUL Manifesting Time For You Individually

Alright lovers are you aware of the importance of your MOON in astrology?

Discover what your moon sign has to say abut how you NOURISH yourself and others.

Do you think what you are NATURALLY gifted at and talented at would have ANY bearing on how to create an ALIGNED business that brings out your BEST? I do!

I've been emerging myself in the study of astrology the last few years and sharing it with clients in relation to their life, love, business expansion & growth.


Discover what cycle or phase the moon is in currently right now in its 28/29 year cycle in your chart.

Find out the most POTENT manifesting time for you every month!

The moon in astrology is SO important!

Tap to listen in and enjoy!


Here's to you Love, Expansion & FREEDOM

Vanessa xx


Want to deep dive into your astrology or human design chart with me? Tap here to book your reading today!


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